Waterproofing Integrity's focus is on the multi-residential sector where we support developer/builders, design and construct builders and construction only contractors to achieve compliance with waterproofing applications. Much of the projects that we work on go to public sale with a need for increased confidence from purchasers in what they are purchasing but we are also involved in community and social housing projects, student accommodation, hotel and aged care projects.
The focus of Waterproofing Integrity in such developments is conducting electronic leak detection and thickness testing on the waterproofing applications throughout which can be from lift pits and tanks, through internal wet areas (bathrooms, laundries) and balconies and then to rooftops, swimming pools and planter boxes. We are otherwise involved with builders and architects to review section details and compliance with proposed waterproofing systems.
If you have a multi-residential project where Waterproofing Integrity can assist with onsite testing or consultation, please call us on 1300 025 944 or email info@waterproofingintegrity.com.au
The following examples are a sample of the locations and projects that Waterproofing Integrity is engaged to provide services which extendeds from Newcastle and the NSW Central Coast, throughout Sydney and to Wollongong and Canberra: